* Wish you all the good old and
the good new for the New *
Galloping into 2020 with lovely energy!
🐎 🐎 🐎
Try a mouse over or tap a horse.
The future is collaborative !
So we are proud supporters of The Horse Education Concept.
Become a supporter, too!
Best wishes from the su-pa team !
More lovely greetings from su-pa: 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2025
Interviews (archive.org) via Skype with the teachers Ann, Mary, Praveena from Belgium and India and the student Lars and Dharany from Switzerland about their experiences with their current "food & climate" projects and how "The Horse" concept works for them. Further information on the projects More...
supa is doingdoingdoing ... a lot of things :o)
To create a supracantonal tool for the calculation of the extinguishing water retention volume. Yep, truly something special but special and interesting! :-) The status is beta, version 0.95, soon public.
In collaboration with ubub umweltbildung umweltberatung (ubub.ch) we conducted a workshop in the KEZO (Zweckverband Kehrichtverwertung Zürcher Oberland) to improve visitor More...
*** As a member of the Pirate Party Switzerland (pirateparty.ch) since the early days I support the party with my candidacy for the 2019 National Council Election (parlament.ch). We are currently experiencing an incredible development in the topics of networks, data, artificial intelligence and More...
We conceptualised and realised a web app with an ACTIVITY & ALERT MAP (peacemakers.care) for the monitoring of 119 voting stations located in the densely populated townships Mitchells Plain & Khayelitsha*) in Cape Town. The web app has been used by odd 300 monitors, so-called "peace makers", during the South African general elections on Mai 8th 2019 in the context of the violence prevention programme.
The "action map" is a technically & More...