With the very best wishes for 2020

 * Wish you all the good old and
  the good new for the New * 

Galloping into 2020 with lovely energy!

🐎 🐎 🐎

Try a mouse over or tap a horse.

The future is collaborative !
So we are proud supporters of The Horse Education Concept.

Become a supporter, too!

Best wishes from the su-pa team !


More lovely greetings from su-pa: 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2025

What's going on at su-pa right now?

supa is doingdoingdoing ... a lot of things :o)

A leaflet in the form of an accordion
A leaflet can look like this as an app!
We are pleased to transform a leaflet into a web app (PWA) accordion for the cantonal office AWEL, Section of Operational Environmental Protection (awel.zh.ch).
To create a supracantonal tool for the calculation of the extinguishing water retention volume. Yep, truly something special but special and interesting! :-) The status is beta, version 0.95, soon public.

In collaboration with ubub umweltbildung umweltberatung (ubub.ch) we conducted a workshop in the KEZO (Zweckverband Kehrichtverwertung Zürcher Oberland) to improve visitor More...

South African Elections' Monitoring web app

voting stations of South African general election 2019We conceptualised and realised a web app with an ACTIVITY & ALERT MAP (peacemakers.care) for the monitoring of 119 voting stations located in the densely populated townships Mitchells Plain & Khayelitsha*) in Cape Town. The web app has been used by odd 300 monitors, so-called "peace makers", during the South African general elections on Mai 8th 2019 in the context of the violence prevention programme.

The "action map" is a technically & More...