South African Elections' Monitoring web app

voting stations of South African general election 2019We conceptualised and realised a web app with an ACTIVITY & ALERT MAP ( for the monitoring of 119 voting stations located in the densely populated townships Mitchells Plain & Khayelitsha*) in Cape Town. The web app has been used by odd 300 monitors, so-called "peace makers", during the South African general elections on Mai 8th 2019 in the context of the violence prevention programme.

The "action map" is a technically & conceptually robust and straightforward developed application (pilot) with live update functions (clients get controlled map & message updates without reloading the website) and a simple color coding system (green, orange, red) for status signaling. In order to communicate between the operational centers, roving teams, voting station leaders and head office we applied several locally popular communication channels including a connection to the local police.

Realised within only a few days we experienced an intensive and challenging time, in collaboration with Hilltop ( and Peace Centre, South Africa ( - having been rewarded with a lot of positive feedback and done with fun !

Activity & Alert Map ( »
Mitchells Plain and Khayelitsha, 119 Voting stations, South African general elections 05/08/19

Website »

*) Rommel Roberts, Hilltop director and programmer facilitator, Cape Town: "At least 3 million people, 2 million safely but other estimates are 4 million. My estimation is 3 million based on densities that the officials never count because of fears of doing a census there."
