For 2 weeks in June '21 - including the longest day and Summer Start of 21/06 - I participated in the remote Citizen Science Summer School from ETH and UZH.
Together with about 30 researchers, citizens and practitioners, experienced and newcomers, we went on exciting journeys of acquiring new knowledge as well as exchanging and passing on experiences, not only theoretically but also tangibly. Have I piqued your curiosity? Then take a look at the program (
In an international context, there was room for discussion of controversial issues from different perspectives of participatory approaches. The participants came from a wide range of disciplines: psychology, medicine, environmental science, biology, geography, material science, social science, media science, art, hydrology, archaeology, NGOs. Participants from Bhutan or Brazil have other hurdles to overcome than participants from Switzerland, France or Finland. And yet there are many things in common. There was a strong consensus that the way of communication is particularly important and also needs support and expertise.
Source: Rüfenacht, S., et al. (2020). “Communication and Dissemination in Citizen Science” More...