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Wikipedia Preview box
Automatically turns any Wikipedia link on your website into a link with a nice preview box (article summary), open source. You can see examples on this page, mouseover or tap words that have a superscript W.
Project website (su-pa.net)
Source code (github.com)
«Züri begrünt» partizipativ
A new concept & brand – An offline usable PWA web app tool for taking measures to make cities greener, healthier & cooler! It consists of two parts, the first is the information with independent sections and the second is visualization, a so-called "multi-slider" (can show past-future, future-past, round about, forward-backward or even the smartphone live cam). Deep insights are easily provided without further demands being made on one.
Project website (zuericooldown.ch)
Züri begrünt (begruent.ch) web app, PWA - prototype for smartphones
Factsheet about the web app (PDF, german), overview on one page
Project description (citizenscience.uzh.ch) UZH, ETH Zürich, seed grant
Project on "Schweiz forscht" (schweizforscht.ch)
Videos "How the App works" (vimeo.com)
Project basis for other cities (cooldown.city, German)
LWR tool
Transforms a leaflet into a web app, PWA. A supracantonal tool for the calculation of firefighting water retention volume. A new concept that allows one to immerse oneself in the topic, but always remains simple and at the same time is a tool for planning, more ...
Web app as PWA: LWR Tool (lwrtool.ch)
«De schnällscht Zürifisch»
The fastest "fish in Zurich" – an annual swimming competition for schoolchildren from the "Departement of School and Sport" of the city of Zurich. Website for the organization of the event with some cute sea creatures.
Website: zuerifisch.ch
Risk & Safety association
Website with members' area for the association, of which Eliane Suter is a board member. Every few months, an event is organized on a selected "Risk & Safety" topic, where highly qualified people from research and practice share and discuss their knowledge and experience.
Website: risikosicherheit.ch
Sicilian Gestures - Android App & Web App (PWA)

A new concept & an unique design that fits the theme, a simplified & focused multilingual app with no language switcher, works smoothly even on old devices.
Sicilian Gestures website (siciliangestures.net)
App promo video (vimeo.com)
App in android store (play.google.com)
App as a PWA for iPhone & Android (app.siciliangestures.net) - see below
We have received some very nice reviews in the Google Play Store, e.g.
Tom. Zarebski: "Brilliant app to learn all useful Sicilian gestures. Beautiful pictures and animations. great work"
Anonymous Hippopotamus: "FUN! It's so much fun to review the gestures seen in my upbringing near NYC. ..."
Johnny: "Lovely, powerful, graceful, strong & deep. Fascinating, as I begin to learn how an expression sounds, how to write it, and what is the hand, arm, signals & body language."
In addition, since 2021 the Gestures App is also available as a PWA! (progressive web app)
Get the Sicilian Gestures Web App for Smartphones and also for iPhones
Note: How to install, uninstall a PWA on your smartphone (vimeo.com)
The PWA uses the Web APIs (mozilla.org) of the web browser for sharing gestures etc., very privacy friendly, it is installable, but no app store is required!
Technics: HTML5, Vanilla JavaScript and Cordova for the Android App;
We have even produced postcards & posters that are hung in Italian restaurants, for example; you can order them for CHF 20.- (A2 format)
"The horse" concept & dontwastemy.energy
A new concept of education through collaboration called «The Horse» concept.
Since 2016 student teams from Switzerland, India, Turkey, Germany, Belgium, ... developed more than 170 projects/contributions following our "befter" method (bing.com) on the topic "Technology & Environment". There is a closed students' work space and multiple other websites.
Students' collaboration projects: dontwastemy.energy
Our non-profit association called "THE ! association" (the-horse.education) - The Horse Education association.
Movetia (National Agency for Exchange and Mobility): Cross-cultural environmental education with «The Horse» (movetia.ch);
Technical overview (PDF, dontwastemy.energy), 2016, still valid on the whole
More information DE & EN: teachingweb.org
Webarchive of the ETH Zurich
A new concept of archiving and presenting websites!
In addition to just showing the former website, all documents and images are displayed separately in the structure used by the former website creator.
Website: webarchiv.ethz.ch
This concept is also suitable for a completely different purpose, look here: travelogues (ambuehler.ch)
South Africa general elections'2019
In a very short time, we developed a concept & the website with an activity & alert map for about 300 election volunteers (Peacemakers) to warn them live about current threats during the days of the election in South Africa. We operated the headquarters in Uster (Switzerland) and supported the elections of 119 polling stations in Mitchells Plain and Khayelitsha (SA) where around 3 million people live.
More about the project
Website peacemakers.care
Quick Box
A new way to do quick research; su-pa Web API service for doing quick researches on your website through your customers. Invented while doing some "book as a website" projects, includes customizable search providers and some statistics about the usage. Give it a try right now and select some text and see the Quick Box in action, matching-box.com
Orchid Island, Taiwan
su-pa spent 2 months in Taiwan – here are some impressions (office.com, Sway presentation)
Website: lanyu.land, WordPress, originally hosted on an Azure webserver in Far East now in Switzerland
Feldenkrais Borghetti
An unusual concept for an unusual company that offers the Feldenkrais Method, incl. different videos, business card and flyer (print).
Website: feldenkrais-borghetti.ch
Prime Force Group
Web presence for an IT consulting company, realized with the open source CMS Magnolia. The developed responsive accordion was also used for our greeting card'16
Website: prime-force.com
Human Vision Laboratory – We supported the founding of a new company in Switzerland for the young Taiwanese professor Dr. R. Y.-Y. Huang from Taipei Tech (ntut.edu.tw) and created a simple company website (huvilab.com), which we host.
... and so on ...
last update 2022/03/03, df
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