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We are a full-stack development company experienced and active in all aspects of creating and running web applications, including conception, coding, design, implementation and operation of "any" size and in the many related fields and custom needs.
We can also provide valuable and truly independent advice or help if you are looking for new ideas, need concept proposals or support. We are open to project participation or investors under appropriate circumstances.
Founders of su-pa
Dominik Fehr, suter & partner
Dominik Fehr, CEO
Co-founder of suter & partner, founder and owner of pinkytoes.com. Curious about present and future possibilities I try to do useful and delightful things by making everyday devices relevant to daily needs. I focuse on simplicity and the core meaning of a product. I'm pragmatic and have a wide range of experience in many areas.
And I'm a fan of our slogan 'because ideas can change reality'!
Eliane Suter, suter & partner
Eliane Suter
Co-founder of suter & partner, founder and former managing director of ubub umweltbildung umweltberatung, ubub.ch, Geographer UZH (geo.uzh.ch); instructor & teacher trainer, president of THE ! association (the-horse.education), Safety engineer CAS ETH, board member of the Risk & Safety association (risikosicherheit.ch), member of the Examination Committee of REG (www.reg.ch), advisor for professional accreditation in the field of Environment.
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Topics we know & use for the creation of web apps
We run our own web server, use different providers, have experience as a hoster, are resellers of domains, use cloud services, know various back- & frontend techniques, know & use numerous CMS and we have even developed our own CMS and also an e-shop some years ago, so we are familiar with the background of these systems. We are used to creating concept and design UX and UI up to logo & even SEO.
We are focused on developing PWA using the browsers Web APIs (mozilla.org), HTML5 technics and go the way of offline use, browser based augmented reality with WebXR (mozilla.org) combined with AI, ML and Server/Cloud and DBs, where it makes sense, with the Smartphone first/only approach. There are a lot more aspects to web development!
Being able to create robust and long lasting practice-oriented solutions, we have developed different collaboration projects and having invented some exciting new concepts. We simplify things to their core, minimizing the number of technical dependencies as far as possible - big projects or problems can sometimes shrink to surprisingly small ones! We focus on improving privacy, especially in the internet and information privacy domain.
Company suter & partner
or su-pa for short is a small sized company based in Switzerland, founded in 2013, with a broad but focused knowledge of the internet and, beyond that, the environment. We like expanding our network with professionals from all walks of life. Working with curiosity, passion, conviction and as our motto says: "because ideas can change reality".
If you'd like feedback regarding your idea, or want to create a concept together, pare down to the essentials, we are open to collaborate with you and your innovative ideas - contact us.
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Auswahl an su-pa Projekten
Selection of su-pa projects
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