We have changed the domain save-energy.tips to dontwastemy.energy - so it matches the website motto "don't waste my energy!"
We are very happy about the visitors' interest for our students' project website and The Horse Education concept. In the month of March 3861 visitors (2235 different ones) have been on the students' project website https://dontwastemy.energy, i.e. about 72 different new visitors every day! In total we have counted 31318 page views during this period (returning visitors included). That's terrific!
The map shows the origin of the 140 web visitors' countries (data from AWStats)

As a part of "The horse education concept" we invented and tried out a new experimental concept to acquire knowledge and perform projects, we name it

There are a number of newly created befter-contributions of different environmental topics published by vocational business students.
Already realized befter projects »
To the project teams »
More about the befter concept »
More freshly published articles: Bournemouth Showcase Specials and further Befters of the partner class from Belgium. Follow the project teams on Instagram::dontwaste_myenergy, facebook::dontwastemyenergy, twitter::where_2_where
su-pa created for the sports department of Zurich City a new website for the annual kids swimming competition «De schnällscht Zürifisch».
«Schwimm mit» & enjoy the website
We wish you all the best «in the now» and lots of luck and health for «the future» !

* Please be inspired by a tiny glimpse into «the past», photographed by Gianni Tiloca with the telescope of the Eschenberg Observatory, Winterthur, Canton of Zurich, Switzerland: M101 is also called "Pinwheel Galaxy" (Feuerrad-Galaxie), in the constellation Ursa Major (Grosse Bärin bzw. Grosser Wagen) *
More lovely greetings from su-pa: 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2025
into the magazine «The Environment» of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment
In the edition of November 2018 "The horse education concept" got a nice place and has been recommended under the rubric "Tipps" (German and French).
Link to the magazine "The Environment" (admin.ch)
Download the magazine (PDF, admin.ch) and check out page 4, "Verschwende nicht meine Energie!"