Befter - «before and after» the experience

As a part of "The horse education concept" we invented and tried out a new experimental concept to acquire knowledge and perform projects, we name it

befter - before and after the experience, a teaching and learning concept in 7 steps

There are a number of newly created befter-contributions of different environmental topics published by vocational business students.
Already realized befter projects »
To the project teams »
More about the befter concept »

More freshly published articles: Bournemouth Showcase Specials and further Befters of the partner class from Belgium. Follow the project teams on Instagram::dontwaste_myenergy, facebook::dontwastemyenergy, twitter::where_2_where

Best wishes for '19

We wish you all the best «in the now» and lots of luck and health for «the future» !

* Please be inspired by a tiny glimpse into «the past», photographed by Gianni Tiloca with the telescope of the Eschenberg Observatory, Winterthur, Canton of Zurich, Switzerland: M101 is also called "Pinwheel Galaxy" (Feuerrad-Galaxie), in the constellation Ursa Major (Grosse Bärin bzw. Grosser Wagen) *

More lovely greetings from su-pa: 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

TWIST2018 Hackdays in Zürich

su-pa took part in the first TWIST2018 Hackdays !

9 teams were formed on site using and experimenting with open and linked data in collaboration. Besides a lot of other data sets the Statistical Office of the City of Zurich has freshly decided to publish its data as Linked Open Data at the very day of the TWIST2018 Hackdays.

Our hack team created the Zurich's big 5 project together. It's about newcomers in Zurich: Which city quarter matches your preferences? You can find it out by ranking the 5 predefined criteria. The results of data analysis, SPARQL queries and programming are shown in an interactive map. Check it out!

Project website (hack version)

Zurich's big 5 - Which living quarter fits you best?
Source code on github

*We had a blast meeting engaged hackers, expanding knowledge and skills. And all took place in a friendly atmosphere and well organized context.