Youngest future's urban planners designed Zurich city's future together. Here the video that we created:
Information to this event (, see "Zürich's Stadtplaner:innen der Zukunft")
Züri greening participatory – on Tuesday, 7 July 2020, 14:00-16:00, we will organize the second focus group via video conference (zoom, held in German). You are cordially invited to participate! Contact us at
Green up Zurich – Züri begrünt
Participatory Academy of Science, UZH | ETHZ: Project description (
Project page:
don't waste my energy - a website project for sustainable learning
Initiated and supported by THE ! association (
Since 2016, young people have been publishing their collaboratively created environmental projects on Meanwhile 128 contributions carry the newly gained knowledge and experiences of the learners all over the world - in the month of March '20 we registered 9'931 visitors from over 140 countries on the website!
Züri greening participatoryMore...
The first version (beta) of the LWR tool ( is released.
We transformed a leaflet (Löschwasser-Rückhaltung, PDF, into a web app conceptualized as a Progressive Web App (PWA). It is a supracantonal tool used for the calculation of the extinguishing water retention volume of warehouses.
The LWR tool ( is intentionally reduced to the essential, intuitive and can be used across devices. At the same time it is educational and informative - if required, calculation bases, tables, additional information or tools can be accessed directly.
Install it as an app on your device; use it offline; check necessity of fire water retention; calculate the required fire More...