LWR tool released

Tool for calculation of the extinguishing water retention volume of warehousesThe first version (beta) of the LWR tool (lwrtool.ch) is released.

We transformed a leaflet (Löschwasser-Rückhaltung, PDF, awel.zh.ch) into a web app conceptualized as a Progressive Web App (PWA). It is a supracantonal tool used for the calculation of the extinguishing water retention volume of warehouses.

The LWR tool (lwrtool.ch) is intentionally reduced to the essential, intuitive and can be used across devices. At the same time it is educational and informative - if required, calculation bases, tables, additional information or tools can be accessed directly.

Install it as an app on your device; use it offline; check necessity of fire water retention; calculate the required fire More...

The moodle Horse

The Horse concept with Moodle
"The Horse" concept with the "befter" steps (dontwastemy.energy) now offers the possibility to use Moodle for collaborative project work between students, teachers and experts!

Standard remains the existing tool, an adapted blog (BlogEngine.NET, blogengine.io), which has proven itself by offering exactly the required basic functions. It is characterized by simplicity, thanks to which some teachers More...

Green up Zurich - Züri begrünt

Green up Zurich

The first steps towards a "Züri begrünt" web app are being taken using a participatory approach!
Among others, the following questions are in focus:
How can incentives be created to motivate city dwellers to participate and proactively promote the greening of their living and working space?
Which needs are in the foreground?

How can a "Züri begrünt" web app be set up or function so that the feasibility of greening projects is high? How can users be supported on the way to More...

Sicilian Gestures App - a multilingual project

81 gestures of Sicily

Sicilian gestures AppIt is a heart project rooted in the past and, like an olive tree, has grown over a long period of time.

The app is available for Android and works multimedia-based.

Update 04/08/2022: We converted the app into a PWA, so it is now also available for iPhone and even Android without the need for an App Store!
Go to the project page siciliangestures.net.

Enjoy a wonderful combination of self-photographed, animated images, sound recordings and explanations in six languages (Italiano, Deutsch, English, Türkçe, Espagñol, Chinese 中文).

Share the gestures and have fun, it's for real free - no ads!

Google Play store: Sicilian Gestures – the secrets of body language
Sicilian Gestures website: siciliangestures.net (about the app, PWA for iPhone & Android)
su-pa blog: Introduction to Sicilian GesturesGestures in Sicily / La Gestualità dei Siciliani

Never ugly paintings!

drawing tool - no ugly painting is possible

Our drawing tool is available since 2014 – few know it, some love it!

It's almost impossible to paint an unsightly picture with it – every picture succeeds! We have spruced it up a bit. Now you can save your paintings and it works better on mobiles.

You can: paint with your mouse or finger • you can use multiple fingers at the same time • the colors are chosen randomly • close a line in a shape and More...