Fairy tale for a Happy New Year - Ein Märchen zum Neuen Jahr

The good wish
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A portrait of a fairy, by Sophie Gengembre Anderson (1869)

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived a kind and generous king who always wanted to bring happiness to the people.

Every New Year's Eve, the king would throw a grand party for all the citizens of the kingdom, and he would always make a special wish for the new year.

One year, as the clock struck midnight, the king made his wish: "I wish that all the people in the kingdom will be happy and healthy throughout the new year." And as soon as he made his wish, a bright light filled the sky and a fairy appeared. The fairy said, "Your wish has been granted, kind king. May happiness and good health follow all your people throughout the new year."

And from that day on, the kingdom was filled with joy and prosperity. The people were happy and healthy, and they lived in peace and harmony. Since then, every New Year's Eve, the happy citizens look up to the milky way and remember the wonderful fairy.

Have a great 2023!
Wir wünschen Ihnen ein tolles 2023!

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