... an uncommon new Feldenkrais practice
in Uster and Zurich, Switzerland: Website, videos, business card and flyer – concept "creating opportunities", design & realization
Website: feldenkrais-borghetti.ch
Equipped with a GoPro and a Canon Legria we caught some spring's afternoon moments and produced four short video sequences that can be exchanged easily.
Moods and flowing movements - here is a little taste!
Participating a training in video production I gathered knowledge and experience from professionals in research, interviewing techniques, camera work, sound, cutting & more. The course was given by the Swiss documentary filmmaker Gitta Gsell (Melody Of Noise).More...
After "Don't waste my energy" last year the new website "Don't waste my resources!" is completed.
The website contributions have been created by students within the new (bilingual) teaching subject "Technik & Umwelt".
The website is live! More than 200 different eth-websites were archived since the last millennium. There are a lot of things to discover. Goal: don't be boring, it's material of historical significance..

Visit the Webarchiv of the ETH Zurich
During our Far East trip we got to know Willy Chen who became our friend. We decided spontaneously to create a website about Lanyu (lanyu.land), also known as Orchid Island, a small Pacific Island located at the most Eastern point of Taiwan.
