The website is live! More than 200 different eth-websites were archived since the last millennium. There are a lot of things to discover. Goal: don't be boring, it's material of historical significance..

Visit the Webarchiv of the ETH Zurich
Features & ideas
Notes ((n)other time other): Pure HTML5-Webapp . Up to 14’297 pics on one archived website (dbs) . Responsive . No js-Libraries used . Multi-Langual (En/De) . Images / Docs Page . Folder-names are used as titles (for pic & docs lists) . Measures the height of the text in a box and makes it higher if necessary . «Button-Up»-button to scroll-up, welcher nach biz scrollen eingeblendet wird . Open close "plopp" . speedy-box-shuffeling . Special mobile version . automatic title shortening . database (JSON, text-files) is local in users browser, fast requests . no latency . the site does not forget your language . its (not) a "SPAHTML5" . etc. . ((Still)) Not optimized for IE9 .
To be do.s
- some features
- some corrections
- some somes