The little plane tree trail 2023: discovering urban trees with your smartphone
EN - Citizen Science Center Zürich Newsletter - June 2023
DE - Neuigkeiten vom Citizen Science Center (mailchi.mp)
In the industrial district, Zurich's heat hotspot, three selected habitats of plane trees were analyzed and their climate impact was calculated. The web app «Züri begrünt» accompanies the visit to the three locations, contains an audio guide in Swiss German and a lot of interesting information about the climate-ecological effect of the trees. The tree tour was created as part of a seed grant from the Participatory Science Academy UZH/ETHZ and was realized by the Zurich indie web lab su-pa.net. The information boards with quiz questions and QR codes will be placed near the plane trees from July. Have fun discovering!
More about the project: zuericooldown.ch