Neighbourhood Lab City Trees

Collecting trees - knowing trees - protecting trees.  
"City Ideas" is a project competition of the City of Zurich and until 7.11. all people who live, work or spend their free time in Zurich can vote for their 5 favourite city ideas that they would like to see implemented in Zurich.

Public trees are better protected than private ones.
Public trees are recorded in the tree register of the city of Zurich, private ones are not.
This is where our idea comes in! More...

Presentation at Decarbonising Cities Event

We were invited to the Decarbonising Cities event at the Wankdorf Stadion in Bern on 1 September, organized by the British Embassy Berne ( and Swisspower (, dcc event)! 

We presented our collaboratively usable web app tool for realising measures to make cities greener, healthier & cooler in a pitch. The new concept provides deep insights without ever leaving simplicity!

Slides of our presentation (PowerPoint slides, ZIP, 43 MB)
Pitch participants and event-Website ( on



Green up Zurich – Züri begrünt, second focus group

Züri  greening  participatory – on Tuesday, 7 July 2020, 14:00-16:00, we will organize the second focus group via video conference (zoom, held in German). You are cordially invited to participate! Contact us at


Green up Zurich – Züri begrünt
Participatory Academy of Science, UZH | ETHZ: Project description (
Project page:

Newly published contributions by student teams about ...


don't waste my energy - a website project for sustainable learning
Initiated and supported by THE ! association (

Since 2016, young people have been publishing their collaboratively created environmental projects on Meanwhile 128 contributions carry the newly gained knowledge and experiences of the learners all over the world - in the month of March '20 we registered 9'931 visitors from over 140 countries on the website!