Face-to-face meeting "Züri begrünt" participants

Green up Zurich

Finally the time had come - some participants of the "Züri begrünt" (zuericooldown.ch) focus group (Green up Zurich participatory) met in person on Thursday, 2 December 2021. We started at the Kulturpark (kulturpark.ch) in Züri West presenting the web app prototype followed by a discussion and exchange of ideas.

After a short walk and app testing under the plane tree at Schiffbau (example in the web app) we rounded off our get together in "Les Halles" (les-halles.ch) next door where we discussed further over a good dinner. We enjoyed it a lot!

Thank you all for being there, for your enthusiasm and feedback.

Looking back we are proud to have created a web app prototype as pioneers of a participatory movement.

Neighbourhood Lab City Trees

Collecting trees - knowing trees - protecting trees.  
"City Ideas" is a project competition of the City of Zurich and until 7.11. all people who live, work or spend their free time in Zurich can vote for their 5 favourite city ideas that they would like to see implemented in Zurich.

Public trees are better protected than private ones.
Public trees are recorded in the tree register of the city of Zurich, private ones are not.
This is where our idea comes in! More...

Presentation at Decarbonising Cities Event

We were invited to the Decarbonising Cities event at the Wankdorf Stadion in Bern on 1 September, organized by the British Embassy Berne (gov.uk) and Swisspower (swisspower.ch, dcc event)! 

We presented our collaboratively usable web app tool for realising measures to make cities greener, healthier & cooler in a pitch. The new concept provides deep insights without ever leaving simplicity!

Slides of our presentation (PowerPoint slides, ZIP, 43 MB)
Pitch participants and event-Website (decarbonisingcities.ch on archive.org).



Let it grow in 2021!

Note beside: "Let it grow" works again (02/14), after some ... #:-(02/09) ...

 With this in mind, we wish you 
 sustainable roots for 
 sprouting abundant forests of ideas 

 energy and courage to 
 let them grow collaboratively

It can look like this:
Let it grow 2021! The green train station

Provided that you've got an Android smartphone with Chrome browser, you can
=> Let it grow! (cooldown.city)
Green your in- or the outside - enjoy our "AR (Augmented Reality) Progressive Greetings Web App:-)

Hints: More...

Green up Zurich – Züri begrünt, second focus group

Züri  greening  participatory – on Tuesday, 7 July 2020, 14:00-16:00, we will organize the second focus group via video conference (zoom, held in German). You are cordially invited to participate! Contact us at zuericooldown@su-pa.net


Green up Zurich – Züri begrünt
Participatory Academy of Science, UZH | ETHZ: Project description (citizenscience.uzh.ch)
Project page: zuericooldown.ch