Presentation at Decarbonising Cities Event

We were invited to the Decarbonising Cities event at the Wankdorf Stadion in Bern on 1 September, organized by the British Embassy Berne ( and Swisspower (, dcc event)! 

We presented our collaboratively usable web app tool for realising measures to make cities greener, healthier & cooler in a pitch. The new concept provides deep insights without ever leaving simplicity!

Slides of our presentation (PowerPoint slides, ZIP, 43 MB)
Pitch participants and event-Website ( on



Let it grow in 2021!

Note beside: "Let it grow" works again (02/14), after some ... #:-(02/09) ...

 With this in mind, we wish you 
 sustainable roots for 
 sprouting abundant forests of ideas 

 energy and courage to 
 let them grow collaboratively

It can look like this:
Let it grow 2021! The green train station

Provided that you've got an Android smartphone with Chrome browser, you can
=> Let it grow! (
Green your in- or the outside - enjoy our "AR (Augmented Reality) Progressive Greetings Web App:-)

Hints: More...

Projects, press, certs - Three nice new jumps of «The Horse»

City climate & city trees

Under this main topic new projects are underway. Several teams from Kerala (India), Antwerp (Belgium), Zurich (Switzerland) and maybe additionally - in the clarification process - a class from the Basque Country, individual teams from Pakistan, Canada and Dubai are in the preparation phase for doing collaborative projects using «The Horse» concept !

«The Horse» concept gets attention!

We are pleased More...