We were invited to the Decarbonising Cities event at the Wankdorf Stadion in Bern on 1 September, organized by the British Embassy Berne (gov.uk) and Swisspower (swisspower.ch, dcc event)!
We presented our collaboratively usable web app tool for realising measures to make cities greener, healthier & cooler in a pitch. The new concept provides deep insights without ever leaving simplicity!
Slides of our presentation (PowerPoint slides, ZIP, 43 MB)
Pitch participants and event-Website (decarbonisingcities.ch on archive.org).
Note beside: "Let it grow" works again (02/14), after some ... #:-(02/09) ...
With this in mind, we wish you
sustainable roots for
sprouting abundant forests of ideas
energy and courage to
let them grow collaboratively !
It can look like this:
Provided that you've got an Android smartphone with Chrome browser, you can
=> Let it grow! (cooldown.city)
Green your in- or the outside - enjoy our "AR (Augmented Reality) Progressive Greetings Web App" ! :-)
Hints: More...
City climate & city trees
Under this main topic new projects are underway. Several teams from Kerala (India), Antwerp (Belgium), Zurich (Switzerland) and maybe additionally - in the clarification process - a class from the Basque Country, individual teams from Pakistan, Canada and Dubai are in the preparation phase for doing collaborative projects using «The Horse» concept !
«The Horse» concept gets attention!
We are pleased More...
Züri greening participatoryMore...
"The Horse" concept with the "befter" steps (dontwastemy.energy) now offers the possibility to use Moodle for collaborative project work between students, teachers and experts!
Standard remains the existing tool, an adapted blog (BlogEngine.NET, blogengine.io), which has proven itself by offering exactly the required basic functions. It is characterized by simplicity, thanks to which some teachers More...