Our plugin now in the official Wordpress directory

Exciting News! Our very first WordPress (WP) plugin, "Summary Box for Wikipedia Links," has successfully passed the review process on its very first try. You can now find it in the official WordPress plugin directory (wordpress.com).

Here we demonstrate the feature with the world's longest place name, 85 characters long:
Taumatawhakatangi­han ... 


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Wikipedia preview box

Update 10-Dec-2021: First release is out. 
More on the project website

In the commitment of the «THE ! association» (the-horse.education) and its websites we have realized a new feature for websites. It is intended to be an additional knowledge tool for students and all readers to become better informed.  

Every Wikipedia link automatically gets a preview box (summary) which appears on mouseover or a fingertip and is recognizable in the text through a (W). We use it on our own websites, e.g. dontwastemy.energy (student teams' collaboration projects). 

Copy one line of code is all you have to do to get the feature for your website as well!
It's also easy to integrate into a WordPress site or another CMS.

Try it out!

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You are welcome to use it on your website

Add the following line of code to the bottom of your website, and all Wikipedia links will magically pop up a nice preview box with the article summary, that's all!
<script src="https://su-pa.net/wikiPrevBox/wikiPreviewBox.min.js"></script>

Information, optional settings, source code:

Project website (su-pa.net)
Repository on GitHub (github.com), open source & MIT license