The office horse jumped Far East

su-pa's co-bosses have been working & traveling in Taiwan, China and Tibet. Returned tightly packed with delightful experiences and positive energy, some highlights have been picked out for sharing with you !

office horse
Pic-1: Traces of Tibetan celebrations, Rebgong (རེབ་སྐོང་) 


su-pa presentations (Sway)

Taipei irritations
Taiwan's metropolis, 8 Mio. urban population

Lanyu / Orchid Island
Flying fish in Taiwan's most eastern territory

Made in China
Ever heard of a Chinese dancing formula?

Changing work space
A co-working space sharing experiment




Flying over Taft - San Andreas Fault, California Aqueduct, etc.

How fortunate we have been at December 26 ! On the way in Southern California, we arrived at the little airport in Taft where we had the opportunity to fly in a propeller plane over the beautiful Californian landscape. About this experience we created a short video.

Auf unserer US-Reise traf uns am 26. Dezember 2014 das Glück aus heiterem Himmel - wir konnten mit einem Oldtimer-Propeller-Flugzeug über die fantastische südkalifornische Landschaft fliegen. Daraus entstand ein kurzer Film.

Ready for take off? Watch here: 

Flying over Taft, Southern California from su-pa on Vimeo.