changed to

We have changed the domain to - so it matches the website motto "don't waste my energy!"

We are very happy about the visitors' interest for our students' project website and The Horse Education concept. In the month of March 3861 visitors (2235 different ones) have been on the students' project website, i.e. about 72 different new visitors every day! In total we have counted 31318 page views during this period (returning visitors included). That's terrific!

The map shows the origin of the 140 web visitors' countries (data from AWStats)

map of visitors from around the world on

"The horse" concept presented

We had the honor to present the concept of "The horse" at two conferences.

Eliane Suter delivered speeches.

The first event was the "bili-Erfa-Tagung 2018: digital und analog", a cantonal meeting at the Zurich University of teacher education (PHZH) and the 2nd took place at the national wide event "Forum de la maturité professionnelle 2018" in Martigny (VS) organized by IFFP (Institute fédéral des hautes études en formation professionnelle).

In the context of the events we created the mini website containing the main info material of the concept "The horse".


Connect Zurich and Izmir - an experimental students' project

do'r waste my energy - save-energy.tipsThe ZürIzmir partner class project was an ambitious one in the sense of having differences in culture, language, education and infrastructure but also in respect of a relatively short time frame.

The students had the opportunity to do team research on self chosen environmental topics and experience that communication between team members (or from Zurich or from Izmir) can be a challenge. However, after having succeeded this experimental project and looking back, some lessons can be drawn for a next partner class project.

"Initiating a pilot project is similar to climbing a mountain, when you're More...