„Wenn Menschen beginnen, in Kreisläufen zu denken, werden sie auch beginnen, generationenübergreifend in Kreisläufen zu planen und zu realisieren."
“When people start to think in cycles, they will also begin to plan and to implement in cross-generational cycles”
Im Hinblick auf die von suter & partner geplante Technik & Umwelt Internet-Plattform sind Stoff- und Materialkreisläufe ein wichtiges Thema. Daher besuchten wir am 29.05.2015 zusammen mit Freunden ein Workshop zum Thema "Cradle to Cradle" an der Uni Konstanz.
Die Universität Konstanz - wunderbar gelegen und mit Blick auf den Bodensee und die Insel Mainau. More...
Friday 7th march suter & partner joined the Open Doors Event at the Departement of Geography, University of Zurich. The happening was dedicated of linking students and scientists to pragmatists and field workers. For years a lot of alumni have been spread in different professional disciplines. A huge source of knowledge and experience might get into motion, i.e. a contact and interaction platform for projects and traineeship.
We were especially attracted by the presentation of Arzu Çöltekin "Perceptual Factors in Geographic Visualization", GIVA team. In the following some impressions:
Hollow face (mask) illusion
Although we are aware of certain mechanisms of the human bodily functions, our perception is biased. There are many examples, one famous phenomena is the hollow face illusion:
Whether we are looking at the front of the mask or the concave reverse side, our brain always processes the shape, so we see a protruding face. Why does this happen? More...