Connect Zurich and Izmir - an experimental students' project

do'r waste my energy - save-energy.tipsThe ZürIzmir partner class project was an ambitious one in the sense of having differences in culture, language, education and infrastructure but also in respect of a relatively short time frame.

The students had the opportunity to do team research on self chosen environmental topics and experience that communication between team members (or from Zurich or from Izmir) can be a challenge. However, after having succeeded this experimental project and looking back, some lessons can be drawn for a next partner class project.

"Initiating a pilot project is similar to climbing a mountain, when you're in the middle of an unknown steep face the focus lays on your next step..." 

Have a look at the ZürIzmir students' website project on »
The students' website project, teaching subject "Technik & Umwelt" (technics and environment),
business school Wetzikon (, Canton Zurich, Switzerland
